Contact Joy Healey

Contact Me 1I operate by email and online, so if you have questions, please use the contact form below, or leave me a message on: Facebook.  Many questions can be sorted out by Facebook messages or email, but if we find we need to talk, we can schedule that.

I am a qualified life-coach and welcome new clients ready to take action starting a new online business.

Let Me Help With Your Next Step

  • You may come here as a total newcomer to online business.
  • Or you may be totally jaded with the whole concept, feeling scammed and ready to quit.

I’ve been in both positions, so I can understand. It’s not your fault. You’ve probably been lied to – I know I have and I was innocent enough to believe online scammers who had nothing but their own interests at heart.

Having weeded out the rubbish, and learned the tricks of the trade – which took me MANY years – I can help you find what works for YOU.

My ‘Online Business’ Evaluation Service Can Help You

When you use an experienced professional, or learn from a training course, you are saving TIME which is irreplaceable, to generate INCOME faster.

Contact me on Facebook or on the form below to explain a little about your situation. (Don’t just say “hi” – I get so many of those I just ignore them.) Please send a proper message if you expect a proper reply! My time is precious and so is yours.

You won’t get a “hard-sell” on anything. I’m the least “salesy” person I know and I would honestly prefer you NOT to move ahead with me than to make the wrong decision for your situation.

Please use the form below (or Facebook above) to:

  • Suggest a few convenient UK times, I work pretty late so USA afternoon times suit me fine too
  • Tell me what your aims and aspirations for the future are – specifically
  • A little about your current situation and any business experience
  • If you have specific questions, please specify, in case I need to look out detailed information

Knowing all this in advance will save time for both of us, and help me to be better prepared with helpful answers to your questions.

I look forward to helping you and getting to know you better.

If you have problems with the contact form, please leave me a message on: Facebook.

Before contacting me, please check that you’re happy with my Privacy Policy.

Who Is This Blog For?

The focus of my blog is to help people starting a new online business, especially if that coincides with the aim of producing extra income to support a happy retirement.

The biggest fear of many baby-boomers is that they’ll out-live their savings! If this is ‘you’ you may want to consider starting an online business to fund a more comfortable retirement – no matter how young you are!

It’s NEVER too early to start thinking about how you can achieve that. Don’t do, as I did, and leave it too late.

You may have started wondering if you will have enough time and money to enjoy those little luxuries you’re looking forward to.

My slant is on running a part-time business to increase your income – whether:

  • You are still working full-time or part-time, but realize you haven’t planned well enough to replace your current income and maintain your life-style.
  • You are already retired and find you don’t have the income to support the life-style you had hoped for
  • You now have the time on your hands to take on a new challenge and relish the idea of being your own boss, but do not want to spend hours on end or incur huge start-up costs.

I can save you time, money and stress.

This Blog Is Not For You If…..

  • You believe that “get rich quick” exists. It doesn’t. You will need to invest either time or money in a business.
  • You need financial planning advice. I DO NOT offer, or need, financial planning help.

Welcoming Guest Authors

I welcome good quality articles from guest authors, if they will be of interest to my target readers, so please feel free to contact me on the form below using the subject lines described in my guidelines.

HOWEVER…. I get so many requests these days that I can quite easily miss them or ignore them, thinking they’re sales emails unless they have followed the guidelines below. So…..

Click here to read my post about guidelines to getting your articles accepted plus a few rants that led to previous authors having their guest articles rejected. Please read and if you’d still like to submit an article, I look forward to hearing from you – with the subject line suggested on the post.