If you are looking for free ways to start an online business, ity CAN be done, but you will pay for it in TIME!

There really is no such thing as a free lunch. (I explain why, further down.)

But if you want to learn, and you’re willing to spend the time, here are 3 methods I can suggest to you.

They will recommend ways to speed things up by spending a little money – but you can choose to ignore these suggestions and extend the time taken by sticking completely with free.

NO NEED to produce your own product – that is fine IF you have all the skills you need, or deep pockets to pay for help.

Instead I recommend you start your business online using affiliate marketing. That means making money selling other people’s products and sharing the commission with the product producer.

The product producer takes the risk and hard work of creating a product that may not even make a single sale – YOU, as an affiliate, just find customers (which you’d have to do even if you created your own product), and share the profits.

Here are 3 free ways to start an online business.

1) Free Affiliate Training

A very successful affiliate marketer has taken the unusual step of bringing together a group of aspiring and expert affiliate marketers and training them to make money online at no cost. He has taken complete newbies to earning four and even five figure sums. Even free members with a work ethic have made their first commissions online.

Why would he do this?

Simple! He’s training you to sell his own (and other) products and sharing the commission with you in a more generous way than I’ve ever seen before which he’ll explain in the training. And if you discover NOTHING else, you need to learn the dirty secret most affiliate marketers won’t tell you. When I figured it out for myself (at enormous expense) I was in total disbelief – but back then I was too trusting.

In contrast to most big affiliate marketers, I believe this guy is completely genuine in his desire to help newbies make money online. To do this he provides marketing materials that most people find SO difficult to produce themselves. Graphics, banners, videos, best ways to find traffic (visitors to your offer) and hardest of all, the products you can sell to make profits.3 Free ways to start an online business 1

I know you don’t want to sell! But if no-one makes sales, no one makes profits. There is NO magic money tree.

So – he makes money when you sell his products. And so do you, even as a free member, as long as you apply the training.

Furthermore, it’s a two-level affiliate system which means that you can also earn commissions on the sales of others who join the group through your link. (Everything is fully explained within the membership site that comes free when you join us.)

Due to shortage of time, introducing others is the way I’ve mainly earned from within the group – although I have made sales myself, so I know it works.

You’ll find a series of videos that you can follow, at your own pace, pausing and replaying if you need to.

If you join the free training group through my link HERE I will be your guide, and others in the group will also answer your questions.

You must follow the training and work at it. Money doesn’t fall from the sky and into your bank account.

2) The Money’s In The List….

One thing I, and any other successful marketer will tell you, is that the only way to make money online is to have a list of your own contacts that you will email regularly.

It’s VERY unusual for someone to make a purchase the first time they see your offer.

After trying for many years to make money online, I only started receiving an online income when I started building my own list and emailing them regularly.

The training above will show you how to do that, and is the best I know.

But if you really have….

No Money To Build An Online Business

free list building systemI’m afraid the myth about free businesses online is just that – a myth. If no-one is spending money, there’s no profit to distribute!

There is no push-button software. Profits don’t come by magic and it’s not charity. It’s business.

There was a time, in the wild-west of the Internet when you could throw up a page and make money online. But it’s long past.

It’s not what you want to hear, but it’s the truth.

The methods here will get you started but you have need time to put into generating ‘free’ traffic.

Whatever else you do, you still need to start advertising and building your own list.

To do that I can recommend this Free List-building system – click here. It’s no slouch either – it has a paid version (only $19.95 per month) and it’s by far and away the best auto-responder I have ever used. I only use some of the others I mention elsewhere on the site because they are used in the training I mention above.

Even as a free member you can get paid for recommending the service above. It has its own advertising program here.

If you seriously have no money to put into an online business, start with method 1, and the biggest favor you can do yourself is to go and earn enough to spend a little on your online business by doing some:

  • Washing cars,
  • Washing dishes
  • Selling on eBay.
  • Or cut out an expense – maybe your TV subscription or one take-away or outing per month.

Faster profits will come by paying for help and training. The training program above gives away the most free training and the most affordable addon products I have seen. I bought two of them at a life-time cost of $13! If you can’t afford that sort of money to get help with your business, you seriously should be considering whether building a business online is best left to others.

3) Earn Money Helping Others Save Money

Recommend the free program below that helps others save money on gasoline and other every day spending.

The most discounts available are in the USA, but if you are in other countries you can take the low cost upgrade ($21.95 a month) and build an international team.

A short video here explains the minimum and lets you find out more.

3 Free ways to start an online business 2

Ongoing Help

Whichever of these free ideas you choose, you will also receive tips and updates from me to help you on the road to online success.

Furthermore, anyone who is a subscriber to one of those mailing lists is welcome to contact me with questions and I’ll give you whatever information I can.

Blogging After Dark


Remember….. building an online business isn’t as easy as “they” would like you to believe.

I have burned the midnight oil many a time fighting problems, with the result that now I can help you avoid the mistakes I made, starting an online business.

If you have questions about anything in the Internet Marketing niche, please reach out to me here.

Although I don’t have the answers to everything, I’m a member of some great groups and I can ask some of my friends in those.

Time To Work From Home

Tragically in the pandemic that became widely known about in late March 2020 and the months that followed, many people discovered just how important it is to have a second income stream. I want to help you do that.  When you join the free affiliate marketing training program above you will receive further training and updates about new ideas and tools that I have tested and found to work. Also I will be your guide to help you through the rest  of your online business career.