
An Endless Stream of Free Videos To Promote Your Business

Free Videos To Promote Your Business 1Who wouldn’t LOVE free videos to promote your business?

Can’t wait to see one? Click here for just ONE example. (Affiliate link)

Although ‘everyone’ says that you need an endless stream of videos to promote your business – well…. there are some of us who would rather give up the whole dream on online business than appear in a video!

Yes – the truth is out – I cannot bear to appear in videos. I look shifty, I stammer and stumble. My own Mum wouldn’t buy from me after seeing my performance in a video.

Even photos are an agonising struggle for me – as you may be able to tell from the worried expression on the left. And that was the best of about 50! My ever patient son gave up trying to snap me looking happy and relaxed, and that’s saying something.

No – I’m not going to try and ‘sell’ you video creation software. (Yes…. I bought video creation software, but I’m such a perfectionist, creating a single video took me hours and hours before I was happy with it – and I’m still not happy. Out-sourcing is another possibility, but again… the number of ‘to and fros’ before I was 90% satisfied was wearing – for me and the poor freelancer. I feel that promos done badly are worse than not at all. I want my business promotions to look professional!)

A Better Promotional Video Solution

For us ‘video-phobes’ wouldn’t it be 1000% better if someone who is ‘good at videos’

  • Created them for us
  • Was able to speak knowledgeably and confidently about our business
  • Can explain everything to prospects, without you worrying you’ve got some detail wrong
  • Could give honest testimonials, with proof of income, about the success he’s having with the business
  • Kept ‘bang up-to-date’ with business developments and did video updates for every significant event
  • Purchased relevant domain names, squeeze pages and all the technical stuff many of us find so hard
  • Handled the follow-ups, completely compliant with anti-spam and GDPR laws
  • Oh…. and he doesn’t charge a penny for us to use them. It’s a completely free service!

Why Do You Want To Start An Online Business?

Is it to begin a new career as a video-producer, squeeze-page developer, and general website expert? If so – fine… I have known people who are excellent on video – although not everyone in your team will be….

Or…. is it because you want:

  • An extra income (full-time or part-time)
  • Time freedom – spending time doing what YOU love, not spending hours learning new ‘tech’ stuff
  • A simple, reproducible system you can use to promote your own business in the least possible time
  • A ready-made site that shows your team everything they need to know to get started in the business
  • To be able to show others how to build their own business – just by telling them which tab to read, where EVERYTHING is laid out for them. If they’ve tried some of the convoluted methods others suggest, your team will love you for showing them something so simple.

In fact…. you might find that people who had no intention of promoting the business when they joined (it’s optional – you can just be a member) …. once they see how easy promotion is, they may just decide to build their own team. (That’s exactly what happened with me.)

What If You Never Had To Produce A Single Video?

Well – you don’t have to, if you become part of my team in this simple online business, you will receive an endless stream of free videos to promote your business. (Some you will like, some you won’t. Use the ones you like, and leave the others to people they DO appeal to.  Your choice. This is a no-pressure business.)

Let me prove my ‘endless free videos to promote your business’ claim to you.

There can be no better way to let you experience the quality of these ‘done-for-you’ promotional videos than by inviting you to experience them yourself.

Click here to see just ONE of an endless stream of  free videos to promote your business. (Affiliate link)

(There’s an unsubscribe button if you really can’t see the potential of free videos to promote your business.)

free videos to promote your business

Free Chat For Potential Club Members

I’m happy to chat to anyone about my experiences with the private members share club I have joined, but it will save your time and mine if you have seen the videos before we chat. Furthermore, because the club operates in a regulated industry, it’s essential that all members use approved information to introduce it.

You won’t get a “hard-sell” on anything. I’m the least “salesy” person I know and I would honestly prefer you NOT to join the club than to make the wrong decision for your situation.

I operate by email and online, so if you have questions, please use the contact form below to:

So please use the form below to:

  • Tell me what your impression of the club is from the videos (or your free trial)
  • Ask any questions you’d like me to answer
  • Suggest a few convenient UK (London) times. The club operates world-wide, so let’s find a mutually convenient time.

If you have problems with the contact form, please leave me your email address on: Facebook.

Before contacting me, please check that you’re happy with my Privacy Policy.

Please don’t use our call to try and sell something to me. After reviewing many alternatives, I’m completely happy with the businesses I’m involved with.

Who Is The Club For?

The focus of my blog is on preparing for a happy retirement, with special attention to making sure that you will have enough time and money to enjoy those little luxuries you’re looking forward to.

To do this I recommend running part-time business to increase your income – whether:

  • You are still working full-time or part-time, but realise you haven’t planned well enough to replace your current income and maintain your life-style. (That’s me!)
  • You’re way off retirement age, but you want to prepare in plenty of time – which is what I SHOULD have done!
  • You are already retired and discover you don’t have the income to support the life-style you were looking forward to
  • You have an interest in profitable companies but without the funds to invest in them – e.g enjoy Dragon’s Den
  • You wish you had been involved in Amazon, Facebook or Zoom when they were glints in their founders’ eyes
  • You now have the time on your hands to take on a new challenge and relish the idea of being your own boss, but don’t want to spend hours on end fighting technical challenges
  • You want to get started without incur start-up costs like web-hosting, advertising, auto-responders, freelancers, web-developers

The Club Is Not For You If…..

  • You believe that “get rich quick” exists. It doesn’t.
  • You need financial planning advice. I DO NOT offer, or need, financial planning advice.
  • You need extra income but are down to your last penny. Get a part-time job, to sell some of your “stuff” on eBay.  (Although of late there IS a way to join the club free and build a team – click my affiliate link here – BUT you cannot draw out any earnings until you’re a fully paid-up member.)