Phase 2 of MAP is Closing Soon

Back in October of 2023, John Thornhill and Omar Martin allowed some pioneering early adopters to become a part of their revolutionary new affiliate marketing platform, “Master Affiliate Profits” or “MAP” for short.

Those lucky few (like me) who got into MAP on the ground floor were rewarded for their faith and trust in the new system with the opportunity to bag a lifetime membership to the platform for a one-time fee.

Amazingly, John and Omar have extended that opportunity into Phase 2, which we’re currently in now.

For a low one-time fee, John and Omar are letting you have LIFETIME Platinum level membership to what has already been a life-changing system for some of us. Some early adopters or “MAP Backers” as we’re called, have already made over $600,000 in combined commissions by taking advantage of everything that is included with MAP’s Platinum-level access.

I wasn’t in as long ago as 2023, but even so I earned almost $4k – and that’s before the launch.

But, as is the way of the world, all good things must come to an end.

You see, very soon, MAP will switch to a subscription model. So anyone who joins after Phase 2 ends, will have to pay a monthly or yearly fee to access everything that I have access to as a MAP Backer.

Don’t Be a Victim of the Subscription Model

Have you ever taken a look at your bank statement and worked out how much you spend per month on subscription services?

I don’t know about you but the recent “subscription revolution” has got me trapped.

Disney+, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Paramount+, Spotify… The list goes on, each one costing 10, 20 or even 30 dollars per month and the prices seem to keep rising whenever these companies need to please their shareholders. I’m sure you’re in the same boat.

And that’s without thinking about the monthly subscriptions to Internet Marketing product that you may have picked up in your quest for earning online.

Imagine if someone came along and gave you the opportunity to join these services on a lifetime membership for a single one-off fee. Imagine how much money you would save if, for the price of 12 months of membership, you got access for as long as you wanted.

A great example John Thornhill gave is that he’s been subscribed to Spotify (the music streaming platform) for almost a decade, in that time, the total he’s paid when you add up his monthly subscription is well over $1500!

I’m sure if someone came along and offered him lifetime membership now for even half that, he’d take it. Wouldn’t you?

Here’s Your Chance to Break Free of the Subscription Model

I have something to share with you today that might just ease your subscription woes.

The opportunity to join something on a lifetime membership for 1 single low investment.

Pretty soon this is switching to a subscription model so you can lock in right now to protect yourself against future subscription regret.

I’ll leave it to Omar and John to explain the ins and outs: Click here

Missed Phase 1 of MAP - Phase 2 of MAP is Closing Soon 1The short version is: this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be part of something huge before everyone else is about to go away.

Don’t be looking back on this moment filled with regret that you didn’t act sooner.

Act now to secure your spot!

You’ve already missed Phase 1, don’t miss out on Phase 2.

Click here

If you have questions, contact me on Facebook, but PLEASE, not without having watched the webinar, as that is designed specifically to answer ALL questions – which makes it easy for YOU to introduce and train new affiliates.

Remember – the big affiliate marketers make their money from their email lists – have you built yours yet?

Missed Phase 1 of MAP - Phase 2 of MAP is Closing Soon 2