Table of Contents
First The Easter Break
Easter is traditionally a time for a new beginning.
I know some of my readers don’t celebrate Easter, and I just found out last week that it falls on different dates in different cultures. For instance the lovely lady who helps me round the house is happy to come on Easter Monday to clear up any debris that may result from my visitors over the next few days, because she celebrates Easter according to the Romanian Orthodox calendar.
So if Easter isn’t a holiday for you this weekend I hope you’ll indulge (or ignore) me!
I’m having a little Easter break this weekend, for the best of reasons. My beautiful grand-daughters are here to stay with me, and have brought their cutie-pie Dog-dog.
They are pictured here in their Easter dresses with Dog-dog. (Actually he was a naughty boy and rolled in something unmentionable on his walk this morning, so all the activities were delayed while he had an unscheduled hosing down.)
It’s Good Friday as I write this, because my little family is visiting another Nanny who lives about an hour away, so I’m snatching time to make a quick Easter post then scheduling it for Easter Sunday publication. I have a full program of Bunny Cuddling and Easter Egg Hunting over the next day or so. I suspect some serious chocolate tasting will be part of the events too.
To be honest, unusually for me, I’m really welcoming a break, because the business events of the last six weeks or so have totally overwhelmed me and I’m pretty exhausted!
For readers who have missed the major sagas:
- WordPress security problems nearly destroyed by blog – all fixed now by moving to Managed WordPress Hosting
- The crooked plumber (I’m pleased to report that he has been removed from the RatedPeople website for “poor service”, and they emailed me to warn against using him. So there IS justice after all.
As I come up to the UK end of financial year, it’s always a really busy time in my offline business too, and I am more than ever before “Blogging After Dark”.
- Ten days ago my printer just went BANG. For “normal” people, this would be a minor issue. Oh no… because it’s networked in to work under Linux for my offline client in Manchester, my son had to login remotely from Spain to redo all the setup work on its replacement, and replicate what he did for me while visiting at Christmas.
- And that was AFTER a week long battle to even get the replacement printer into my office. Don’t ask!
Yes, they all had happy outcomes, in the end, but it’s been an anxious time but the problems have been clearing, day by day.
New Beginning – Family
On the family front, my younger son and his wife (and Bailey) are moving into a new home – driving the final van-load of furniture there even as I write. This is the culmination of a series of moves in their property development business which has now grown to the point that they are able to afford a home of their own in parallel with the “project being done up to sell”.
They have worked really hard and made tons of sacrifices to get to this point, and I’m proud and pleased that I was able to help fund their business start-up from earnings I made in an online business about six years ago.
Bailey will have a huge garden now – replacing the pocket-hanky sized one that he’s had to suffer for the last two or three years. So he loves his new home.
New Beginning – Business
Sadly in the Internet Marketing niche, businesses seem to come and go with depressing frequency.
And recently a couple of mine fell by the wayside, which has been a let-down.
So now I’m focusing on multiple streams of income from affiliate marketing programs where the hard work of product creation has already been done for me.
One thing that is consistently needed by all Internet Marketers is…..
Training and Advertising
I WILL still continue offering Internet Marketing training and of course I will be following the training myself too – my retirement business is still a “work in progress”.
If you’re in need of Internet Marketing Training check out these training products: Internet Marketing Training Products (affiliate link).
So, concentrating on well-established businesses in affiliate marketing is a new strategy for me, but I think it’s a good move.
What Will You Be Doing Differently?
Can you believe that a quarter of 2016 has already passed by?
What has improved in your business? I’d love to hear what the first 3 months of 2016 has brought you.
Please share your progress in the comments below.
Or if you are planning a new beginning for the second quarter, I’d love to hear about that too.
Meanwhile – I have a serious Easter Egg Hunt to plan!