Table of Contents
Have you ever seen the idea that you can build your income with free reports and been doubtful? I used to be, but having seen this case study, I’m prepared to have a re-think.
NOTE >>> Read to the end for a twist that updates this method for 2023.
Case Study: How One Man Built a Fortune with Free Reports
This is the story of George (not his real name) who earns a high five figure per month income with free reports. George is allowing me tell you how he does it so long as I don’t reveal too many specifics.
Ready? I think you’re going to enjoy this.
How George Got Started
When George retired from his career nearly 20 years ago, he was bored and underfunded. He knew he wanted to do something to make more money for his retirement years but he had no idea what. He scouted around for a few months until he happened on a free report that told how to make money with free reports. Oh, the irony, right?
He took this report to heart and quickly wrote his own report. Not knowing much about internet marketing, he cobbled together a report titled, “The Ultimate Guide to Building Your Own 6-Figure Internet Business in Your Spare Time.”
$1,000 a Month with No Experience
He’s a little embarrassed that internet marketing was his first topic, since he really didn’t know what he was talking about yet. He had no experience in the niche and had to rely on what he read on internet marketing websites.
Still, the first edition of that report garnered him a list of over 4000 people in six months and a monthly income of over a thousand dollars. Despite not knowing what he was doing, he was doing just fine.
More Reports, More Money
Since then, he has gone on to create reports in many, many different niches. Odds are you’ve downloaded at least one of his reports at one time or another. He no longer writes his own reports, but instead hires someone familiar with the niche to write the “Ultimate Guide” on the chosen topic.
His reports are always free, and he gives them away through social media, as bonuses to other people’s products and through a few other venues.
He’s building a list in each one of these niches, and when someone joins his list, they receive an autoresponder sequence that mails 4 times per week for 3 years. He also sends out special offers to his lists. Most of this writing is done by outsourcers because he spends his time on the golf course.
Now Here’s The Trick
You’ve probably noticed we said that all of his reports are the “Ultimate Guide” to whatever the topic is.
Each report is written by a pen name who is also the author of the emails sent as well as social media posts. Initially it was just him but now he has virtual assistants who handle the social media posting, customer service and act as the pen name authors for him.
If you’re getting the idea that George has set this up in such a way that he does very little work, you’re right.
These ultimate guides teach how to do something valuable. Remember his first report was on how to start an internet business? Inside the report he tells how to set up a website, which webhost to use (affiliate link) which autoresponder he’s found is the best (affiliate link) and so forth. He gives these reports in PDF but also posts these reports online for subscribers. People click the links and sign up for the services.
Recurring and High Paying
Notice that hosting and autoresponders are billed monthly. 85% of the products George promotes through the reports are monthly recurring products and the other 15% are high paying products such as a $997 live course paying 50% commission.
He’s getting dozens of streams of monthly income from dozens of different sources along with some big one-time commissions.
Start with The Affiliate Program
Affiliate marketing is the simplest way to get started earning an income online. A product creator takes the risk and hard work of creating a product, and pays a commission to any affiliate marketer who makes a sale. So all YOU have to do is find traffic (visitors) to the offer, which is what you’d have to do whatever you were selling online.
The way George picks a new niche or topic is he finds something with monthly billing and an affiliate program that converts well, and then has the report written in such a way that it’s simply a no brainer to sign up for that program through his affiliate link.
His autoresponder messages are good information, usually from the reports, along with evergreen offers. The messages reemphasize the importance of getting the programs promoted in the report, too. The more times someone reads something, the more likely they are to take action on it.
And he sends out special offers to each niche every week or two.
He is actively working two of the pen names, and ironically one of them is a woman. His wife helps him write those emails.
All the rest of the pen names – one for each niche – are worked by half a dozen virtual assistants who post on social media. Each virtual assistant is assigned 5 to 10 pen names, depending on what they can handle and also their areas of knowledge. Every pen name has its own social media account. This could get confusing if you’re not organized.
Does Little Work but Great Pay
George outsources the writing of the autoresponder sequences, special emails and new reports.
And when I say he’s earning a high five figure income per month, that is after he pays all expenses, including virtual assistants and writers.
Each report has its own blog where the report can be found by subscribers along with other articles and product recommendations. And his reports are updated as needed.
Things to Consider
George has been doing this for 20 years when it was easier to build an income with free reports. So stay reading until you see the twist for 2023!
George wasn’t an overnight success, but he stuck with it, and it has really paid off for him. At the end of six months, he was earning $1000 a month, and in today’s money that would be more like $1663. The point is, it might not take long to see some income, but don’t expect to get rich overnight.
Choose your product first – it should convert well and pay well – and then write your report in such a way that it naturally converts into a sale of the product(s). The reports are NOT sales letters, but rather very good step by step instructional reports that George could easily charge $47 or more for.
You might want to start with a niche that you know something about since that will make it easier. Don’t take on a virtual assistant until you know what you’re doing and how to do it. Then you can create a system for the VA to follow. BUT – beware that a smart VA would be able to duplicate this method instead of working for you.
Even More Income from Free Reports
One thing George isn’t doing that I think would boost his income into the stratosphere is short videos on YouTube and TikTok. You might consider adding those to this plan if you decide to move forward with it.
Also consider using small influencers to create user generated content such as video on TikTok to drive traffic to your landing pages. You can contact influencers >> here <<.
Imagine earning 6 figures per year simply by giving away free reports. It sounds crazy but I can tell you for a fact that George is one of many who are doing this right now.
Improved Way 2023: Build an Income With Free Software
Build an income with free reports might have been revolutionary 20 years ago, and can still work, when you follow the steps above.
But what if you were looking for something easier than writing all those free reports? (Anyway, it’s pretty easy these days to find free information online.)
What if, instead, you were able to offer access to free software and a complete SYSTEM that lets you build an income online? And what if the system let you earn commissions on a 2-level affiliate plan?
That’s the system I’ve been using to build an income giving away free training, for several years now. (My team even carried on earning for me when I had to take a break from Internet Marketing due to family pressures.)
Here’s why the system is easier:
- No need to create free reports, emails, blogs etc
- No need to find and supervise good VAs (I have experienced some truly dire VAs)
- “The system” has already been created for you
- It’s NOT something that a smart VA can copy and cut you out – although you CAN earn an income from introducing others smart enough to apply this system
- Months and months of development have gone into developing the system, so although you can benefit from sharing it, it’s 99.99% impossible for you to copy
- It includes a path for recurring monthly income
- There’s also a way to earn High Ticket commissions
- Best of all – from my point of view – sales are closed by professional sales calls (unless you want to do them yourself.)
You can get started with the system, free, when you >> click here <<. There’s some training to make sure you understand The System, but I promise it’s a whole lot simpler than writing your own software (or even free reports).