Why You Should be Writing About Trending Topicswriting about trending topics

A fundamental skill of online marketing is keeping abreast of trending topics and delving into niche markets.

Picture it like this: Staying in tune with what’s trending allows us to tailor our strategies to what’s capturing our audience’s attention right now. It’s like adjusting the sails of a ship to catch the wind. Your audience is already interested in these trending topics and looking for the content you create.

Benefits of Finding Trending Topics

  • Boosts content shares effortlessly since trending topics already have widespread popularity.
  • Drives a significant increase in page traffic with minimal exertion.
  • Establishes your credibility, presenting you as a knowledgeable and valuable brand in your niche.
  • Amplifies sales potential by leveraging fresh and up-to-date content to capture the audience’s interest.
  • Facilitates the attraction of organic search engine traffic, reducing the need for extensive content optimization efforts.

Exploring niche markets is akin to speaking directly to a specific group, ensuring your message resonates profoundly.

For example, if you teach marketing to new California dentists, you will want to speak directly to how new dentists in California can best market their businesses, rather than speaking about marketing in broad based terms that could cover any profession in any location.


17 Tools to Find Trending Topics and Niches

So how do you find the new topics and niches that are exploding right now? Here are 17 tools to get you started:

1: BuzzFeed – Trending page is a great source for popular topics globally.

2: BuzzSumo – Comprehensive tool for marketers, providing instant results by typing a domain or keyword. 30-day free trial period.

3: Exploding Topics – User-friendly tool with a simple interface for fast trend identification.

4: Feedly – AI-powered tool organizing personalized content trends.

5: FrontPageMetrics – Identify which subreddits (Reddit) are seeing the most daily, weekly, and monthly growth.

6: Glimpse – Trusted by big companies like Google and Adobe, predicts future trends by analyzing consumer behavior across platforms.

7: Google Trends – Connected with the Google search engine and widely used by marketers and SEO experts to track global search trends.

8: HARO (Help a Reporter Out) – Not a direct trend-finding tool but offers valuable insights from top sources.

9: InLinks – Game-changing platform for improving search visibility. Automates technical SEO and content improvements.

10: Pinterest Trends – Find trends specifically for the Pinterest platform.

11: Podcast Notes – Identifies key takeaways of individual podcasts in a quick newsletter format.c

12: Reddit – “Trending Reddits” subreddit showcases popular internet topics daily.

13: SparkToro – Niche-focused tool highlighting hot topics in digital spaces like SEO and marketing. Pulls trends from social media shares.

14: Treendly – Predicts trends and their duration. Offers a free demo.

15: Trend Watchers – Guides YouTubers on trending topics. Provides trend alerts, content creation suggestions, and insights on redirecting and upselling.

16: Trends.co – Offers a thorough but easy-to-digest format for understanding new topics across industries.

17: Trends24 – Monitors the last 24h of trends in Twitter, which makes it way more effective than checking directly on Twitter.


More Help Writing About Trending Topics

You’ll also find keyword tools useful.

Free Keyword Tools

  • Answer The Public – Gives keyword ideas in a visual way, showing popular questions and phrases users search for.
  • Google Keyword Planner – A tool from Google Ads that helps discover keyword ideas, search volume, and competition levels.
  • Google Autocomplete Keyword Tool – Generates keyword suggestions using Google Autocomplete, providing long-tail ideas for Google, YouTube, Bing, and Amazon.
  • Google Trends – Not exactly a keyword tool, but it helps understand keyword popularity over time and find related search terms.
  • Ubersuggest – Offers keyword suggestions, search volume, and difficulty metrics, along with competitive analysis and backlink data.

Paid Keyword Tools

  • Ahrefs – A popular SEO toolset offering keyword research, competitor analysis, content evaluation, and backlink research. It provides extensive data on keywords, search volumes, and trends.
  • Long Tail Pro – Focuses on researching long-tail keywords, offering suggestions, search volume data, keyword competitiveness, and SERP analysis.
  • Moz Keyword Explorer – Provides keyword suggestions, search volume data, difficulty scores, and organic click-through rates. Offers features like rank tracking and on-page optimization recommendations.
  • SEMrush – Offers a variety of features, including keyword research, competitor analysis, backlink examination, rank tracking, and more. Provides comprehensive data and insights for both organic and paid search.
  • Serpstat – Offers keyword research, competitor analysis, backlink investigation, rank tracking, and site audit features. Provides detailed keyword data, search volume trends, and related keyword suggestions.

Hopefully this will help you to write about trending topics and niches,