Oh my goodness what a week I have had. After a pleasant afternoon out on Saturday just over a week ago I got home to find that my sites on Hostgator had been hacked yet again.

Goodbye Hostgator

Two sites had completely disappeared, and on closer examination of my account, various rubbish had been inserted promoting all kinds of goods for sale! The backup I had been paying for was in such a mess that I couldn’t see how to recover it. I tried to get help but the support replies were so slow and incomprehensible that I just gave up. Hostgator are adamant that this is my fault for having out-of-date blogs.

Hello! They were not out of date, I keep well up-to-date with plugins and WP updates. Besides which, I have three health blogs on a different account that MIGHT be a little out of date, but they’ve not been hacked – ever! This is the second time in 2015 that my Hostgator account has been so badly compromised.

Last time I lost two blogs completely. They weren’t making me any money, so I was going to let them go next time the domain came up for renewal – but that should have been MY decision, not one thrust on me by some hacker.

After that I had intended to move hosting company for quite a while but with all my personal and offline business turmoil I’ve delayed (because I feared it would be chaotic). But two major hackings in six month is two too many, so this time I’ve voted with my feet and am transferring my sites to SiteGround.

Hosting With SiteGround

It’s too early to form any conclusions about SiteGround, except to say that their support is blisteringly fast – which I have really needed over this transition period!

I’ll no doubt write up my thoughts when I’ve had time to “settle in”.

My non-WordPress sites loaded up really easily from the manual backups on my own machine, but my WP blogs were in such a mess that I paid to have them transferred because I don’t know enough about WP backups to risk it myself.


Hostica Hosting Survives!

My original health blogs are hosted with Hostica, and have been there for years. When I need support they are unfailingly helpful. So – if it’s not broken don’t fix it. The health blogs will stay with Hostica.

Transfer To SiteGround Completed

My transfer exercise has taken a lot less time to write about than to implement. It has just shown me how little I know about the “workings” behind my blog.

If YOU don’t know either, please make sure that at the very least you have backups and a rudimentary knowledge of how to recover from them. So, here I am – hopefully on my newly hosted account, and my first post is to thank my comment authors for their visits in May 2015.

My Posts in May Were:

Thanks to all readers who took time to comment on these and other posts. My apologies if I’m a little slow getting back to your sites. Hoping for a better June!

Total Comments on this blog in May 2015

Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 1 Hello, My name is Rachit.
I dropped 11 awesome comments.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 2 Hello, My name is Enstine Muki.
I dropped 9 awesome comments.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 3 Hello, My name is Adrienne.
I dropped 4 awesome comments.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 4 Hi, My name is Jan Kearney.
I made 3 awesome comments.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 5 Hi, My name is Hollie Hawley.
I made 3 awesome comments.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 6 Hi, My name is Mike Gardner.
I made 3 awesome comments.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 7 Hi, My name is Harleena Singh.
I made 2 awesome comments.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 8 Hi, My name is Olayinka.
I made 1 awesome comment.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 9 Hi, My name is Edward Thorpe.
I made 1 awesome comment.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 10 Hi, My name is Barbara Charles.
I made 1 awesome comment.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 11 Hi, My name is Jim McCullen.
I made 1 awesome comment.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 12 Hello, My name is Sue Worthington.
I dropped 1 awesome comment.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 13 Hi, My name is Carol King.
I made 1 awesome comment.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 14 Hi, My name is Sandy.
I made 1 awesome comment.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 15 Hi, My name is Siddharth Sharma.
I made 1 awesome comment.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 16 Hello, My name is Jackson Nwachukwu.
I dropped 1 awesome comment.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 17 Hi, My name is Sneha.
I made 1 awesome comment.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 18 Hi, My name is Worli.
I made 1 awesome comment.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 19 Hello, My name is Lizz Riley.
I dropped 1 awesome comment.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 20 Hello, My name is Pritam Nagrale.
I dropped 1 awesome comment.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 21 Hello, My name is Chioma Anozie.
I dropped 1 awesome comment.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 22 Hi, My name is BG Jenkins.
I made 1 awesome comment.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 23 Hello, My name is Tasleem Khan.
I dropped 1 awesome comment.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 24 Hi, My name is Atish Ranjan.
I made 1 awesome comment.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 25 Hi, My name is Miriam Slozberg.
I made 1 awesome comment.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 26 Hi, My name is Donna Merrill.
I made 1 awesome comment.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 27 Hello, My name is Emebu.
I dropped 1 awesome comment.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 28 Hello, My name is Chery Schmidt.
I dropped 1 awesome comment.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 29 Hi, My name is Monna Ellithorpe.
I made 1 awesome comment.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 30 Hi, My name is Mark.
I made 1 awesome comment.
Thanks To My Comment Authors In May 2015 31 Hello, My name is Willena Flewelling.
I dropped 1 awesome comment.
31 comment authors with 59 comments in the month of May 2015This list was generated by MyCommentAuthors