Many newcomers to the ‘Work from Home’ / ‘Make Money Online’ (WFH / MMO) industries are introduced to a basic traffic exchange strategy, that is a complete waste of time. I’ll confess that’s how I first started online, and after about two days of ‘surfing for credits’ I thought “I can’t believe I have to waste my time on this pointless task. It’s like marching to the beat of a dead horse.”

In case you’re new to traffic exchanges, let me explain…

How does a traffic exchange work?

The hapless newcomer will be told that when they view one or more websites that they don’t want to view, they will be rewarded by someone else (with zero interest) viewing THEIR website. Whoopee doo!

Hopefully your traffic exchange strategy will develop to the point that you realise:

  • It’s no use advertising a sausage roll shop to a global audience (yep – I saw it!)
  • The only page you should ever advertise should be one with that collects people’s emails, so that you can follow-up with more information if your page is unique enough to catch attention (so don’t advertise the same page that everyone and their dog uses)
  • Don’t display your order form when people have NO idea what they are ordering
  • Don’t talk about ‘stuff’ that only an advanced marketer would know what you’re talking about. (Advanced marketers are NOT surfing themselves – read on to see why.)
  • Most of them include ‘downline builders’ where you join countless other programs and insert your user ID in the hope that someone joining with you will join the related program, using your ID and you’ll have extra referrals and gain from their activity.
  • There are other sites called ‘list mailers’ where you can send an email to about your offer to other marketers, so catching a few hundred or so with one email. Yep – in return for receiving their emails about their offers.
  • Finally, you realise that if you PAY you can avoid viewing other people’s websites or reading their emails. The upgraded members’ traffic exchange strategy means that your main ‘viewers’ will be people who haven’t got even $10 a month to spend on their online business.

Well – you can imagine how long I spent pursuing THAT strategy. I was ‘out of there’ as fast as I could.

But a couple of months ago I noticed something that made me wonder if I had been too hasty, and ask myself…


Do traffic exchanges really work?

I spotted that the really big marketers, topping the leaderboards in most programs, advertised in selected traffic exchanges. Yes, they have huge email lists and email them daily, and when they promote a new program, everyone jumps on board.

There’s one particular guy whose email list I am on and I really enjoy his daily emails because he makes them simple but enjoyable and always delivers value. Often in the form of credits to traffic exchanges and list mailers of which he is a member – and if you’re not already a member, well – just join with his link and as your surf / upgrade he’ll benefit. He’s a very smart, and likeable, marketer and follows up daily with value to build ‘Know Like and Trust’.

But how have these big marketers built that email list? My observations lead me to believe that they are capturing newcomers to online business from traffic exchanges early in their ‘career’.

No – this isn’t another blog post about building an email list – this is about a traffic exchange strategy to get in front of newcomers to online business without dying of boredom and wearing your fingers to the bone clicking adverts that you don’t want to see.

First let’s dig into the downline builder strategy a little deeper.


Are you tired of building other people’s downlines?

You’ll soon realise that you’re just building other people’s downlines and most downline builders suck.

Site Owners add them and we dutifully register for all these extra program we don’t really want, mostly out of Fear Of Missing Out if one of our referrals later goes ballistic with it… but realistically nothing is ever likely to happen because no one ever does anything else after they sign up.

So instead…


Here’s a Viral Downline Builder on Steroids that’ll be 100% yours!

The traffic exchange downline builder approach is fundamentally flawed because there’s no incentive for anyone involved to actually USE the individual websites.

So you might manage to build massive downlines in dozens of different websites… but none of your people have any reason to ever visit those sites again, let alone buy anything, so you won’t make a penny.

But what if I told you there was a way to make it work?

Check out the programs we use below and then read on to see how we connect the pieces. You’ll see we make it easy to promote and use the various programs, and we give our referrals the means to replicate our results… so everyone can use these sites to generate real traffic, leads and commissions, all on full-auto!

And if you stick with me until the end, you’ll see there’s a particularly nice twist we add, which makes this whole system a lucrative profit center in it’s own right!

But first, take a quick look at our favourite traffic sites…

Earn Tokens as you grow your downline and convert those into Time Credits for promoting your own pages.
Members here tend to be active and loyal, and you can earn matching-bonus credits from people you referred long ago!

Viral Downline Builder and Traffic Exchange Strategy 2

TS25 puts all members into syndicates based on their actual performance, rather than simply lumping people together based on who referred them. This approach means you can get yourself into one of the top syndicates simply by referring users… No Surfing Required!

As an example, my sponsor hasn’t surfed this site for years, but is almost always high up in TS#1, the top syndicate, just from referrals, earnings thousands of credits every week, totally hands-free!

I’m new to this one, but it’s a sound traffic exchange strategy.

Viral Downline Builder and Traffic Exchange Strategy 3

This is one of the oldest and largest traffic exchanges, but much more important to me, its members are easily the most active of any site I use, and more of my referrals upgrade here than anywhere else.

So you will likely earn a few commissions here, but the real value is in the free advertising… which you can earn over 5 levels of referrals. That can really add up if you do the initial work to get things moving.

Remember, when devising a traffic exchange strategy, old, and well established sites are good news.

Viral Downline Builder and Traffic Exchange Strategy 4

This site rewards you well for referrals AND lets you earn credits based on your referrals’ efforts. So if you refer people who surf, you don’t need to surf yourself to earn credits!

However, you need to surf once a month to stay active. So a lot of people with big downlines choose to upgrade instead… That will keep your account active… and your websites receiving traffic… totally hands-free.

So keep a close eye on your downline here, and if it’s getting big and your people are upgrading, consider upgrading yourself to boost your own commissions.

This is another site that works over multiple levels, making it a good match for our approach. This will grow your downline earning you credits over 5 levels of referrals, and if a few of them are also active surfers, you’ll earn more credits than you know what to do with!

This one has a lot of different advertising options, so as you build up some credits, be sure to test out some alternative ad formats to see what works best for your offers.

Viral Downline Builder and Traffic Exchange Strategy 6

This one builds a 15-level downline that you can email any time you like. It does take a little while to get going, once it does take off, it gets very big, very fast!

So it’s best to consider List Outbreak a long-term investment. Set it up and commit to promoting this complete system consistently for 6 months or so, and List Outbreak will quietly grow wider and deeper in the background until it suddenly explodes on you.

At that point this is unstoppable and it will build you a massive list… so make sure you share your strategy (ie this page!) with your referrals, so they can easily duplicate your success!

Viral Downline Builder and Traffic Exchange Strategy 7Bonus Time Saving Tip

Upgraded members in List Outbreak (above) can promote that, and other list mailing programs, with this neat program >> click here << that checks on auto-pilot for you and sends your emails when they are due.

So no need to keep checking. Spend a few minutes setting it all up, then leave it running while you get on with other more interesting marketing.

It’s all controlled from one simple dashboard, and the admin support is superb!

What is the best traffic exchange network?

Impossible to answer that easily …. but read on for a way that you can get started today with the method below, recommended to me by a far more experienced marketer than I am.

Its works by…

Putting The Pieces Together…

The process here is quite straight forward… you register for each of these programs, grab your own referral links, and then make your own copy of this page using your links instead of mine.

You can then promote this single page to achieve some incredible results, faster than you ever thought possible

Some more experienced marketers will join one or more of the traffic programs that they aren’t already using. They probably won’t surf a whole lot, but they’ll very likely do some promotion of their own to bring in people who do. So you get more credits all the way down through multiple levels.

Some newbies might even join all of these programs. And a lot of them will probably do a lot of surfing. Which is even more credits for you.

And some of the more pro-active marketers will see the power of this approach and repeat the entire process. They’ll sign up for everything they aren’t already using, duplicate this page for themselves, and send loads of traffic.

Which is even more credits and traffic for you, and probably a few commissions as well.

The best part is, it doesn’t matter what kind of visitor you get, they will ALL be generating credits and even a few commissions for you, on all six websites.


The Secret Traffic Exchange Strategy is: EASY duplication…

If you want to profit from ANY Downline Builder you need to refer people who will both PROMOTE and USE the various programs.

If your people only ever promote a program but never actually use it themselves… which often happens when it’s presented as an easy-money program… you’ll usually end up with a massive network that doesn’t generate a cent.

If you only bring in users who use the product but don’t promote, you’ll make a few modest commissions, but it will never take off the way we really want.

It’s not enough for you to see the potential and set it all up… you have to make sure your referrals use it AND promote it.

So the best way to make sure your referrals do that is to give them the Information, Strategy and Tools to do both.

So that’s what this page is all about. We give our visitors some great programs, we explain how we use them and show them how we promote them… and we give them a simple system they can duplicate themselves to repeat that process.

ie. I want you to take this page and make it your own.

And you have my permission to share it, and this traffic exchange strategy, with your own referrals as well.

So please make a copy of this page right now!

If you’ve got a blog you can just copy-and-paste everything into a new page and edit it to suit. If you have a standalone website, you might find it easier to view source so you can to grab the HTML and edit that instead.

Just remember to change ALL the referral links to use your IDs. This is the most important step… check this carefully or I’ll be getting your referrals, credits and commissions!

Do your edits, tweak the layout as required and personalise the text a bit if you like… and make a note of the full URL to your new page.

You want to use that link EVERYWHERE you promote ANY of the programs on this page. ie. Place ads anywhere you can for the specific programs, but always link to this page.

That way, this becomes a major value-add for your visitors. And in return, people who might have signed up for one program and done nothing, will now sign up for multiple programs and get to work!

This is especially important for the various program’s ad banners… send those visitors to this page too. Those are hot prospects… people who chose to click your banner to find out more… so that traffic will convert like crazy if you send it here first.

Regardless of the traffic source, you’ll be growing your WHOLE NETWORK with every referral… and giving those people the tools they need to duplicate your efforts.


No blog? No problem….

Don’t dismiss this traffic exchange strategy because you have no blog.

If you don’t have a blog or website of your own, you can grab a free site on Wix or somewhere similar and make a copy of this page.

Or…. here is probably the simplest of all >> click here << and as well as creating your own blog you can place a free ad to get you started.

Pro tip – that site is what’s known as an authority site because of the volume of visitors so will be likely to get far more visitors than your own (or my own!) blog.


Don’t forget to use these tools yourself!

As your network grows you will accumulate a lot of credits on all these sites. Make sure you put them to good use…

A lot of people are more likely to set something like this up when they already have one or more of the programs. They figure they’ve already started so they might as well finish it. So if you have email credits on any of these sites, send an invitation to the members and you’ll always find a few looking to expand their traffic site portfolio.

Keep an eye on your referrals’ purchases too. Some of these programs get very generous with commissions once you upgrade… so if you notice your sign-ups regularly upgrading in one or more of these programs on a regular basis, consider upgrading yourself to get a bigger cut! I get quite a few from Traffic G and Click Voyager so I’ve upgraded those, but your network could evolve differently.

And remember – the overall purpose of this traffic exchange strategy is to help newcomers online avoid being trapped mindlessly clicking adverts in the false hope that they’re ‘building an online business’.

Bonus Tip For Passive Online AdvertisingViral Downline Builder and Traffic Exchange Strategy 8

A site I upgraded in, in June 2024, has been Buckets Of Banners.

You can read more about my experience with it here and and why I recommend that you use it.

Traffic Exchange Strategy