Taking a Break from Facebook 1

🙃🙃 Hiding!
😉😉 Sorry if I seem to be ignoring anyone, I’m not on Facebook much at the moment.
🌈🌈 I’m absolutely fine – in fact it’s good news….
✍️✍️ A ton of offline work has come in, and I’m doing what I do best…. WORKING !!

That was my Facebook post at the end of last week.

It had all got too much for me – the endless ‘Friend Requests’ and ‘Waves’ when all they want to do is either:

  1. Tell me how THEIR product can make me a fortune, or make me a good Facebook marketer. And no-one can believe I don’t actually want to be a Facebook Marketer.
  2. Or they want a ‘meaningful relationship’. I kid you not …. a guy called Samuel messaged me to say that from my profile he knew we could have a ‘meaningful relationship’ and his name was Phyllis – Go figure??

THEN – someone gave me a telling off because HE had sent me a friend request which I accepted, but then didn’t reply to his pitch. Apparently that’s bad for the Facebook algorithm.

Well don’t “friend request” me in the first place. Oh what an unsociable grump social media has turned me into

Taking a Break From Facebook

So I’m having a week away from Facebook.


I’ll have to pop in and out as the support group for my health and wellness blogging team is on Facebook. That’s building nicely – but I’ve warned them they’ll get me more easily by email while I concentrate on my non-Facebook activities.

Yes, the post is true – I have actually got a big chunk of work in from my offline businesses, and that’s far more profitable and interesting than Facebook.

As well as offline work I just can’t spare the time it takes to be a Facebook Marketer. I thought those that were ‘crushing it on Facebook’ were doing something really clever.

Well, some of them ARE very skilled writers and coaches – but in general – it’s just the result of mind-numbing hours and hours on there, chatting up people, liking and commenting – often for no tangible reward.

Life’s too short! I’d rather work smart than work hard.


I’m An Email Marketer

It fits far better into my busy lifestyle, and lets me get other work (and fun activities) done in the time I’m not composing my emails and preparing squeeze pages etc.

I’m starting to see results too.

Funnily enough, most of what I learned came from within a Facebook group.

I promoted the group a while ago but although the training was good, it needed a lot of tidying up.

Last week the re-vamped group was released, supported by a website bringing everything together in one place offline.

The group caters for training needs and traffic tools right from the complete beginner without a cent to spend to get started…. and on up to people paying hundreds of dollars a month for advanced list-building training that takes them way beyond my own skills or interests.

In the time I’ve been in the group I’ve seen complete beginners who’ve never made a cent online start earning a regular income, by selling the products within the group – even without buying them!

My own progress has been slower, because I have other interests and work, but those who have the time to learn and implement are doing really well.

(And I can earn a commission on those I introduce to the group, so that’s even better! You can do that too….)

Taking a Break from Facebook 2So – given the improved interface, and seeing the proof that others really are making money in this group, I’m happy to start promoting it again.

Haha – I must have learned something – I have just appeared on the leaderboard in 7th place.

And that’s NOT through Facebook marketing like some of the others have been doing. (I’ll probably have slipped down the rankings by the time you see this as I’m scheduling this article in advance.)

My serious journey with email marketing started at the beginning of 2020 with an invitation to this same free training group.

And yes, it’s free training because they want to teach you to earn commissions selling their products – so the better you are trained, the more commission you – and the group – will make.

The resources of the whole team of experts in their own right are available to all members, so this should be of interest to beginners and seasoned marketers alike.

Check out this page to see what’s on offer – free.

Taking a Break from Facebook 3