fireworks-pxAmazing how we find ourselves in November – the month of fireworks – already, and it’s time to do a round-up to thank friends who have commented on my blog this last month.

October has been a BAD month for me in many ways.

Most importantly both my parents have been in hospital. In fact my Mum is still there and has been hospitalized for almost a month except for a couple of days when she was released – probably too soon, as she had to go back again within just a few days. Despite the scare stories you may read in the newspapers, Mum has had excellent care (thanks to the wonderful staff at Bridlington Hospital) and I have reason to be very grateful for our British NHS.

They’re such a devoted couple, in their 90s, that being parted from my Mum has sent my Dad into a deep depression and I’ve spent quite a lot of time in the North of England at their house doing what I could for them. This hasn’t seemed to achieve much as my Mum is still in hospital and my Dad is still depressed 🙁

One dreadful day in particular poor Mum wasn’t expected to survive the night and as many of the family as possible drove North to see her – only to find her sitting up smiling brightly and asking for a sherry to go with the trifle she was enjoying! Needless to say my son Matt was dispatched to bring her a glass of sherry and the nurses turned a blind eye. She’s a fighter, that’s for sure.

The Future?

In desperation we have now set up a live-in care package for them as unfortunately it’s not practical for me or my sister to be away from our businesses long-term. Live-in care is not ideal, and takes a little getting used to, but the five hour trip each way is tough to do by myself, and it’s better than my Dad being alone until Mum comes home.

It’s just been a roller-coaster of a month, so business has taken a back-seat for October, and probably will do for the rest of the year too.

Many thanks to all the lovely people below who made comments on my posts.

Total Comments on this Blog in October 2014

My Comment Authors In October 2014 1 Hello, My name is Edward Thorpe.
I dropped 4 awesome comments.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 2 Hi, My name is Jan Kearney.
I made 3 awesome comments.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 3 Hello, My name is Oloyede Jamiu.
I dropped 3 awesome comments.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 4 Hi, My name is Liz McGee.
I made 2 awesome comments.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 5 Hello, My name is Carol Amato.
I dropped 2 awesome comments.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 6 Hello, My name is Suprabhat Mondal.
I dropped 2 awesome comments.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 7 Hello, My name is Mi Muba.
I dropped 2 awesome comments.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 8 Hello, My name is Mark.
I dropped 2 awesome comments.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 6 Hello, My name is Suprabhat.
I dropped 2 awesome comments.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 10 Hi, My name is Sam Bralley.
I made 1 awesome comment.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 11 Hi, My name is Harleena Singh.
I made 1 awesome comment.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 12 Hi, My name is Hollie Hawley.
I made 1 awesome comment.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 13 Hello, My name is Angela McCall.
I dropped 1 awesome comment.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 14 Hi, My name is Emmanuel.
I made 1 awesome comment.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 15 Hello, My name is Vandefan.
I dropped 1 awesome comment.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 16 Hello, My name is Manik.
I dropped 1 awesome comment.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 17 Hi, My name is Jackson Nwachukwu.
I made 1 awesome comment.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 18 Hi, My name is Mike Gardner.
I made 1 awesome comment.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 19 Hello, My name is Sandy.
I dropped 1 awesome comment.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 20 Hi, My name is Sherri Stockman.
I made 1 awesome comment.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 21 Hello, My name is Harish Sharma.
I dropped 1 awesome comment.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 19 Hello, My name is Sandy Tan.
I dropped 1 awesome comment.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 23 Hi, My name is Una Doyle.
I made 1 awesome comment.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 24 Hi, My name is Joan White.
I made 1 awesome comment.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 25 Hi, My name is Adrienne.
I made 1 awesome comment.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 26 Hi, My name is jon.
I made 1 awesome comment.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 24 Hello, My name is Joan.
I dropped 1 awesome comment.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 28 Hello, My name is Tim Bonner.
I dropped 1 awesome comment.
My Comment Authors In October 2014 29 Hello, My name is Nisha Pandey.
I dropped 1 awesome comment.
Hello, My name is Bilal Ahmad.
I dropped 1 awesome comment.
30 comment authors with 43 comments in the month of October 2014This list was generated by MyCommentAuthors