Check out the eBook store I recently embedded on my blog sidebar.

I intend to make it easy for readers to get blogging help through my eBooks. Scan. Buy. Get blogging help. Succeed.

I did not embed the store to impress readers. Nor did I embed the store to show off. I can care less about boasting these days. Little about me as a blogger or a human being matters because happiness, freedom and love are all in….helping you!

But I spied a different strategy earlier today. Someone wrote and published a hefty blog post with a heavy emphasis on making a good deal of money. The blogger helped with solid tips but also tried to impress readers with money outcomes. However, the blogger made the somewhat common error of publishing an overwhelming amount of content via a single blog post.

Blog posts need to be easy to read, digest and use quickly for new or struggling bloggers to generate success, right. Even if the success seems to be 1 extra visitor or 10 extra visitors, the secret is to publish helpful, practical content anyone can use now to gain some success, greater confidence and clarity.

Every piece of content you publish needs to be:

  • easy to read
  • easy to read and use immediately
  • easy to put into practice immediately
  • easy to benefit from immediately

Feel free to share 5 or 10 practical tips through a single blog post to read, study, seize and use right now. But beware publishing 3000 words filled with 200 practical tips. Who in their right mind has the:

  • time?
  • energy?
  • focus?
  • drive?
  • mindset?

to read, seize and use 200 practical tips TODAY, in 5 minutes, or even in 24 hours?

Come on, guys!

Stop trying to impress readers with an overwhelming volume of content through a single blog post that no reader can read, seize and use right now. Make it about the reader and how they can succeed right now. Do not make it about you and your ego, the need to impress and trying to shock, awe and wow the pants off of readers.

Trash ‘Em!

I recently trashed all 100 plus Blogging From Paradise eBooks on Amazon because too much of the energy-intent behind the mass blitz was:

  • fear
  • intending to impress people
  • intending to show, awe and wow people

Being the dolt I am from time to time, I realized each truth 8 years into my eBook self-publishing campaign, a few days ago. Better later than never!

Anyway, at least I did not overwhelm with a single 5000 word blog post polluted with 99 practical tips even a demi-god could not:

  • read
  • use
  • benefit from immediately

But I did overwhelm my readers with way too many eBooks, some of which no one ever bought.

A New eBook Approach

My intuition told me to upload 8 of the most practical, helpful eBooks to help you:

  • blog successfully
  • write and self-publish eBooks successfully


#1, I always trust my gut. #2, it is all about having fun helping you guys with simple, practical blogging tips that you can seize and use right now for your immediate benefit.

I still own 100 plus eBooks. But I will only sell the rest on demand. Feel free to drop me a line if you want to buy an eBook on demand. I will release copies after receiving Paypal payments.

At the end of the day, my new eBook approach gave me:

  • peace of mind
  • clarity of thought
  • a new blogging direction
  • happiness
  • a better feeling vibe

about my:

  • blog
  • brand
  • business
  • eBooks
  • courses

Stop trying to impress readers with an overwhelming volume of content. Dig deeper into your insecurities. Wade into the feeling of not being enough. No one enjoys feeling worthiness issues. No one likes feeling deserving issues. But if you do not face these fears you will project these fears onto your readership by trying to impress-overwhelm them with content versus giving them a few simple tips to help them begin succeeding right now.

Make it about your readers.

Blog to help people.