Building a list of customers and prospects is the most important part of any business. It can’t be repeated often enough. NOT building a list from “day 1” was the biggest mistake I made when starting my business online.
So while I am trying VERY hard (and mostly succeeding) to stay away from “Bright Shiny Objects” – I’m a sucker for ways to get new subscribers onto my list, and have presented a few of them to you before.
While these previous offerings are excellent (and I’m still using them) I’ve found a few problems with them:
Some try to convert you to their own business, or at least sell you something else
One of them was really, really good but SO complicated I kept “losing the plot”
For a while I was very enthusiastic about a service called “Paid To Build Your List”, which looked exceedingly good – because you could literally get paid money from people who joined your list.
Sadly I’m no longer promoting that service because the owner himself went off on rather a flight of fancy and started promoting his own advertising service, apparently leaving the list-building side of things to look after itself. In my opinion (and having tried it) the advertising service wasn’t delivering as good value as the advertising service I already promote – so I have put Paid To Build Your List OFF my current list of recommendations – but hope the owner may come back to his roots!
In the end, I have reverted back to the tried and tested method of promoting a squeeze page that links to the industry standard auto-responder Aweber. You can read more about how I build my list here.