Table of Contents
How Is Your Retirement Planning?
I hope your retirement plans are better advanced than mine!
Despite being well past the age of UK retirement, I haven’t fully retired yet because I can’t afford to – well, not if I want to carry on enjoying my present comfortable lifestyle:-)
I’m semi-retired, which is actually quite nice. It means that I can still carry on earning from my offline work, but choose my own hours.
The Future Could Be Bleak
If I get to the stage where I can no longer run my offline businesses, things will be different.
What if I need full time care – either live-in care or in a care-home? Neither is cheap in the UK. Do your own research where-ever you live.
At least I’m lucky enough to live in the UK where medical care is free. Many others do not have that luxury.
You hopefully realised that it’s never too early to start planning and saving for your retirement; but try telling that to ‘me’ even a few years ago. Here’s what I thought at the time – each point followed by what happened in reality:
- I love my work, I’ll never want to retire – I still love my work, but it would be nice to take my foot off the pedal just a little, and to spend more time with family and friends who ARE retired and enjoying life on holidays or just chilling at home. Those I mix with express amazement that I’m still working, and however hard I protest that I enjoy it, the truth is that I feel a little stupid, and even envious of their financial freedom.
- I’ll have made enough money from my current business that I don’t need to worry about a retirement income – I didn’t, because the business that was working well for me at the time changed its policies and restricted me to UK only trading. Not good online.
- The state pension will provide me with enough to live on adequately – It doesn’t: just one car service can wipe out half of my monthly state pension income.
- My expenses will be lower – Well they might be, if I didn’t wish to have more leisure time to travel and enjoy life before I’m too old. Although with more time spent at home, utility bills rise. And I’d finally have time for a pet or two (and their possible vet bills).
- I’m already saving into a pension plan – The company went bust and took most of my savings with it.
- I have other savings – Yeah… earning, on average, 1% in the bank, less than the rate of inflation.
What’s The Answer?
Finally it dawned on me that, without carrying on a business of some kind, I could be facing a life of – not poverty, but let’s just say – financial shortages. So I decided I needed to address the situation head-on and find a business to provide me with income for my years ahead.
I’ve spent a few years experimenting, with successes and failures, most of which are tracked on my part-time blog here. But every failure has taught me a lesson, so I now know what to avoid, and have found a solution.
If you are open to listening, I’m happy to pass this hard-won experience and save you from the same mistakes. Contact me for a free exploratory chat.
You’ll see some of my business posts on my blog here, and should you wish to find out more, please click the links for free, no obligation, information. Many of them are affiliate links from which I earn a small commission at no extra cost to you; but if it worries you that I make a retirement income here, please use the information but don’t make any purchases from me.
You can contact me here on my blog or on my Facebook profile:
Don’t leave your own retirement planning too late, like I almost did!
Because I’m still working part-time, any business I run must take only a small amount of my time and be interesting too. If you’re looking for an online business with:
- No selling – so no sales targets
- No stock holding
- No technical expertise needed – free landing pages and videos ready made for you
- No large cash investment – costs about the price of a night out per month
- No regular commitment of time – promotion is completely optional
If any, or all, of those appeal – watch this free video: The number 1 method used by the mega-wealthy.
No Need Of Extra Retirement Income?
Great well done!
Please tell us how you did it, and offer your expertise in my:
Happy Retirement Planning Group
Whatever the state of your finances or retirement plans, please join us in my new Facebook group. It’s very small at the moment, but I plan to include:
- Health tips
- Holiday tips
- Recipes
- Saving tips
- Alternative sources of income – maybe even yours?
I look forward to welcoming you in my new Facebook group: Happy Retirement Planning.
[one_half_first]We want less of this:[/one_half_first]